Cunard Junior High

Safe Schools

Conflict is a normal part of life, and learning effective skills to deal with conflict is an important part of building healthy relationships.  Here at Cunard we strive to help our students learn conflict mediation and negotiation skills.  However, bullying is a more serious matter.   Bullying is a pattern of behavior that is intentional, hurtful and repeated in an effort to intimidate, threaten, or harm another person, including assisting or encouraging such behaviors.  Bullying behaviors may be:

  • physical (hitting, pushing, unwanted touching...)
  • verbal (threatening, harassing, teasing, insulting...)
  • social (excluding others from groups, spreading gossip...)
  • cyberbullying (the use of technology to send hurtful text messages, emails, photos, or other online abuses)

Students are encouraged to report bullying to a trusted adult and to bring it to the attention of school staff.  We will do everything we can to address issues of bullying, but there is little we can do to help if we don not know about it.

Helpful LInks

HRSB Safe Schools Site

Online Reporting Form (Bullying/Cyberbullying)