Cunard Junior High

Book Your Parent Teacher Interviews (Telephone)

Dear Families,                 

As you know we have Term Two Parent Teacher telephone interviews coming up. They will be held on Thursday April 8th at 1:00 – 3:00 pm as well as 6:00 – 8:00 pm. 

Given our ongoing situation with Covid-19 Parent Teacher can only be offered by phone at this time. These phone interviews/discussions with the teachers will be limited to 5 minutes per conversation and are intended to discuss your child’s academics and progress for the second term. It will also be very important that the time allotted for your meeting is respected so our teachers can provide the same opportunity for all of our parents. If you would like to have a further conversation, or require more time, please contact your child’s teacher and request to have an additional phone conversation on another day.

Attached below, you will find a spreadsheet with our classroom teacher’s names,  grade level and classes they teach, and also the scheduling link which you can click (Ctrl + "click") on to find a suitable time that works for your schedule.  Given the nature of this, times are assigned on a first come, first served basis and will not be available once a parent/guardian has chosen a specific time slot. We ask that you please record your chosen time and ensure you are available at that time on April 8th.

We thank you for your time and continued patience as we work through this new method of Parent Teacher interviews.

Kindest Regards,

Cunard Administration Team
Cunard Jr. High